Role: UI Designer, App Developer (Solo Project)
Date: January 2019 - March 2019
Links: Video Tour of User Stories
This photo application is the resulting project for CS 142: Web Applications.
Throughout the process of developing this project, I gained familiarity with the React framework through the production of different components and implementation of navigation. Additionally, I applied the Express framework to Node to create a web server that handled API requests, including the creation of new users and the posting of new photos and comments. Using MongoDB and Mongoose, I defined schemas that allowed for easier storage and retrieval of information from the app’s database, completing my implementation of front-end-to-backend communication. As part of the final milestone for this project, I gained experience working in an environment with sprints, scrumboards, and user stories. I chose to implement the “@mentions” and “favorites” stories, which required the use of third-party libraries and adding more API endpoints to my server.